Happy Pride Everyone!
I'm eternally grateful for how supportive and accepting the transformation community has been to me. I can't thank you enough!
With all the anti-trans legislation and rhetoric going around lately, I decided to go a tad more aggressive with this year's pride piece. I hope you enjoy.
If you are able, here are some trans charities you can donate to:
(More information on these charities available here https://www.bustle.com/p/15-trans-r.....ight-now-40031)
I'm eternally grateful for how supportive and accepting the transformation community has been to me. I can't thank you enough!
With all the anti-trans legislation and rhetoric going around lately, I decided to go a tad more aggressive with this year's pride piece. I hope you enjoy.
If you are able, here are some trans charities you can donate to:
(More information on these charities available here https://www.bustle.com/p/15-trans-r.....ight-now-40031)
Category Artwork (Digital) / Transformation
Species Human
Gender Trans (Female)
Size 7416 x 4800px
File Size 7.9 MB
we should be able to take pride in who we are and make people understand that we are not a threat to you; we are people, just like you are and are happy doing what we are doing with those we love. Such a shame that there are people out that cannot process that there is more to love then just a man and a woman
Honestly my best friend and roomie is Trans, and supporting her through her transition I feel has been one of the best things I've done in my life. I do not understand the opposition to people living their lives how they want to as long as they are not affecting anyone else, encouraging malice, nor inflicting themselves on others; so resultantly the rampant transphobia that exists out there even among lgb-positive communities just disgusts me. As it's no different; a personal choice that reflects wanting to become the truest version of one's self. The only reason to deny them that is to just assert control that the other has no right to, with those doing so using idiots and uninformed to push lies that are used to take that control, and all to destroy the ideas around a right to body autonomy...which just makes it worse that such a vulnerable group is scapegoated.
Fuck Gender Criticals, TERFs and all other anti queer and anti feminist assholes who try and take away the rights of women, men and non binary folks just trying to live their lives free of discrimination and hate! This right here, this art and these links? That's the REAL good shit!
You have been a joy and a delight to everyone in this community, ESPECIALLY the trans and NB people in it and on behalf of all my friends and everyone at Blue Fairy Media, I just want to say, you rock!
You have been a joy and a delight to everyone in this community, ESPECIALLY the trans and NB people in it and on behalf of all my friends and everyone at Blue Fairy Media, I just want to say, you rock!
I can ask you a similar question: why should it matter? since that's a question that leads to more questions; are you asking biologically speaking, what a woman is? is it psychologically what a woman is? and why does a woman require defining in the first place when, even if a woman is a woman, that she is defined by who she is as a person and not just a label of gender, that she is given credit by the merit of her abilities and what she brings to the table rather then "she is a woman"
Definitely an interesting question. For context, what is your definition of what a man is? How about what a human being is? Difficult to get a consensus on that last one, isn't it? That's ok. We're all in a life-long journey to understand ourselves. We are doing the best we know how. Whether we ever get a satisfactory answer to any of our questions is entirely up to ourselves and no one else.
I'm noticing a repition of the word "adult" in many of your responses. What's your definition of adult?
And scientific name Homo sapiens... So human regardless of skin color, religion, or sexual preference? And, biologically speaking, what does set Homo sapiens apart from other primates?
And scientific name Homo sapiens... So human regardless of skin color, religion, or sexual preference? And, biologically speaking, what does set Homo sapiens apart from other primates?
No need, their punishment would be self-inflicted, as those who reject technology and science will not receive its benefits, like the amish, for example. Someday baseline humans will only exist in the form of luddites who live in isolationist societies that can barely function and cannot possibly comprehend what their trans- and post-human brethren are up to
“You may be immortal and be capable of thinking dozens of thoughts simultaneously , but I’m still human! What do you think of that? What do you mean “your loss”?”
“You may be immortal and be capable of thinking dozens of thoughts simultaneously , but I’m still human! What do you think of that? What do you mean “your loss”?”
I mean no ill will or disrespect when I say this, but there are issues "progress" seems to stomping all over. Cis women being beaten by transwomen in sports for example due to biology, De-transitioners coming out with heartbreaking stories about how they regret going through the process and being largely ignored, Drag Queens going just a bit too far with how they're expressing themselves to children.
You can say I'm being reactionary if you want but we must realize that sometimes bad actors take advantage of movements for personal gains. MAPS are a good example of this as you have them trying to insert themselves into the LGBT community just so people think it's okay to see grown adults getting too close with children.
I'm not against the LGBT movement, I firmly believe in the idea of You doing you and be proud of who you are. But I can't deny some people take it too far, and people either ignore it and pretend things are fine or worse still defend things such as a cis-woman boxer getting beaten to a plup by a trans-woman. If that's your idea of progress, then I'd like to hope off the bandwagon.
At the very least, I do like how this is drawn... I just wish the message was less ignorant.
You can say I'm being reactionary if you want but we must realize that sometimes bad actors take advantage of movements for personal gains. MAPS are a good example of this as you have them trying to insert themselves into the LGBT community just so people think it's okay to see grown adults getting too close with children.
I'm not against the LGBT movement, I firmly believe in the idea of You doing you and be proud of who you are. But I can't deny some people take it too far, and people either ignore it and pretend things are fine or worse still defend things such as a cis-woman boxer getting beaten to a plup by a trans-woman. If that's your idea of progress, then I'd like to hope off the bandwagon.
At the very least, I do like how this is drawn... I just wish the message was less ignorant.
Detransitioners who "regret the process" are a vocal minority. 98% who detrans do so from external pressures, lack of access to HRT, lack of support, and so on.
Needing to invoke pedophiles who try to force themselves into the LGBT umbrella makes it clear what you're doing is in bad faith. Needing to bring up transgender athletes as well makes the same case.
So, about 10 months late but shut it with the reactionary conservative bull.
Needing to invoke pedophiles who try to force themselves into the LGBT umbrella makes it clear what you're doing is in bad faith. Needing to bring up transgender athletes as well makes the same case.
So, about 10 months late but shut it with the reactionary conservative bull.
Conservative reactionary bull? There are very real concerns people like you want to ignore. I get a lot of Conservatives unfairly target the LGBT+ community and clearly hate the community to an extreme but there are also people who use said umbrella as a cover to do horrible things. As well as a lot of issues around trans athletes in sports that have lead to many serious injuries.
This kind of dismissive and accusative attitude also doesn't help. It alienates people and creates more enemies than friends.
Also source for for the 98% stat you gave me?
This kind of dismissive and accusative attitude also doesn't help. It alienates people and creates more enemies than friends.
Also source for for the 98% stat you gave me?
yo rai have you noticed latelly on art posts regarding pride and all in the comment sections, the whole "comment hidden by Fur Affinity staff" even though some of the posts don't violate rules out right. looks like mine and good bit of others got struck down by that and hidden. the FA staff is picking sides and abusing there authority doing so. :(
you may have to look in the comments section yourself to see cause that's what I am seeing here. and it's worry some and problematic. cause good chance down the tracks they may strike down your posts in a similar matter.
you may have to look in the comments section yourself to see cause that's what I am seeing here. and it's worry some and problematic. cause good chance down the tracks they may strike down your posts in a similar matter.
has anyone else noticed while looking in the comments section lots of posts latelly showed "hidden by fur affnity staff" cause judging from what it is there shows the staff are picking idelogical and political sides here and it does not look good for any conversation even if it does not violate any rules on the site outright.